Connect at Sans Souci Church

Ways to Get Plugged In

Women's Group

Women's group is open to all ages. They meet on the second Saturday of each month at 9:45 am.

Men's Group

Men's group is for all ages. They meet on the second Saturday of each month at 8:30am.

Small Groups

We provide multigenerational and age-specific groups. All groups meet weekly either in homes or at the church campus. We believe Small Groups are a great way to grow your faith and discover your purpose.

Serve Opportunities

There are many ways to volunteer at Sans Souci Church! Here are a few ways to get plugged in by serving: Food Pantry, Thanksgiving Day Meal, Operation Christmas Child, Meal Team, Project Host, Special Events

Need prayer?

Let us pray for you! Just fill out this form and let us know your needs and we’ll continue to lift you and your needs up in prayer.

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